Monday 18 July 2022

MARA Assessment Centre (MAC) 2022 Pegawai Perkhidmatan Pendidikan DG41

 Salam. Hi! Thought of sharing my experience regarding MAC. Here goes:

For this year candidates applied end of April, then online test dapat awal Jun. After 2 weeks online test, result for MAC came out. I dapat email tu a week before MAC. Dapat kat KKTM Lenggong, Perak. Dapat je email terus message husband and he replied "GO!" pastu I cakap kat Perak tauu tapi dia okay je. Esok terus suruh cari hotel / homestay. Wehh almost penuh dah ye. So once dapat email tu cepat-cepat la booking accomodation haha. Bermulalah episod preparation. Prepare documents semua, mendukung anak pergi sekolah nak buat pengesahan docs, anak teman training utk bleep test haha terpusing pusing dia ikut mommy lari, print gambar passport, shopping outfit hahah shopping ni my fav part. Sebab memang my formal shoes pun rabak terus dah, went to JPO. Dapat deals kat Rubi beli flat shoes jelah RM15 hahahaha. Beg pulak ingatkan nak beli tote beg tapi takde yang okay so ended up with Typo laptop bag, also a deal got it for RM30 je from RM129 😆 Okay la kan overall under RM50 je #cheapskate LOL 

Invitation MAC through email

Pergi sekolah cop dokumen. Dia ni paling happy acah macam students jugak kemain laju jalan haha

Ahad 19 Jun 22

Today memang plan nak spend whole day prepare Bahan Bantu Mengajar (BBM) tapi tula hanya mampu merancang kan haha. Dah 5 pm baru buka laptop buat kerja nya. Tapi kejap je sampai 6pm then gi turun bawah exercise sikit. Also today is Father's Day so kena la spend quality time aaa gitchuuu

 Training mode eceyy

Sudah nya malam baru betul-betul fokus buat kerja. BBM start buat bila anak dah tido around 11pm. Stay up engkoooo sampai 3 am. Execution sekejap je tapi nak perah otak cari idea tu yang lama. Pastu tersalah gunting kertas purple tu besar sangat tak muat nak letak atas manila card so kena la rework. Nasib la assistant saya tak merungut hahaha assistant is the husband. The part yang leceh sikit coz I lekatkan semua straw cleaner tu guna hot glue gun. So kena slow slow so tak comot. But ended up memang I loveeee sangat my flow diagram ni hehe. Gotta thanks my husband sebab ni idea dia guna penyepit baju hahah. 

Manual animation guna sepit baju haha idea by my husb. Buat benda alah ni la yang sampai stay up 3am haha

Selasa 21 Jun 22 

I'm from JB. So gerak dari JB Monday night, stay kat my mom house @ Semenyih dulu. Sampai 1.30am.  The reason being sebab nak ambil barang kat Semenyih dulu, ada sijil yang tertinggal kat sini and amik baju kurung hahaha. Sebabnya baju kurung yang sopan ada sini, current baju kurung kat JB mostly baju kurung Kedah which is rasanya tak formal kan? Sebab baju formal tak boleh nampak susuk badan. Untuk iv kena la pakai baju paling ayu paling sopan semua kan. Oh ya also amik nametag kat sini. Ha nametag kalau ada lagi bagus and memang digalakkan pun. Ada calon yang siap tempah nametag kot sempena untuk iv ni. Effort begini kita mahukan. So siang Selasa ni just rest sikit la, kebetulan husband pun ada training kat Bangi. So I nap dulu nanti malam nak gerak Lenggong pula. Husband habis training 5pm tapi sampai rumah 7pm++ jugak. Lepastu kirim dia print slides and lesson plan lahhhh terlupa! Kalut kejap. Then tumpang print rumah jiran huhu nasib baikkk. Then siap-siap dinner dulu apa semua, bertolak ke Lenggong 9.30pm macam tu.

Rabu 22 Jun 22

Exterior homestay

Interior cabin

Sampai homestay 2.30am bebbb haha waze cakap 3h 30 mins je tapi apooo sampai 5jam drag dia. Stay kat Captain Rosli Homestay. Okay la selesa and all tapi dia tepi jalan raya tau! Banyak lori lalu pulak tu, struggle gila nak tidur. Selang beberapa minit macam tu asyik lori lalu je, kita pun bila dah penat sangat jadi susah nak tidur kan. Ended up tidur dalam 3.20am macam tu :') 5.22 am dah terjaga! Set alarm pukul 5.30am. Hahaha dia punya berdebar sampai tak lena tidur lol. Okay lah siap-siap terus semua. Sempat la jogging sikit kat area homestay tu saja warm up. 6.50am gerak ke KKTM. 15 mins je dari homestay. Kabus tebal wuuuuuhuuu sejukk.  

Kabus tebal ft bukit-bukau

 Sampai KKTM 7.10am . Settle pendaftaran, pegi cafe jap sebab sajaaa taknak masuk dewan awal-awal haha tapi tak lalu pun nak makan. Just teman husband makan je. Oh masa pendaftaran tadi kelakar sebab tanya urusetia tu boleh bawak baju kurung terus ke ada tempat gantung tak? Then dia cakap, "parents awak tak tunggu eh? Boleh je nak bawak tu ada tempat gantung." awwwww nape ingat kite datang dengan parents heheheh nampak lah saya ni muda kan 😝

Angkut dengan tak mandi nya hantar mommy haha

Sesi Taklimat 8.00am - 9.00am 

Semua calon perlu ada dalam dewan by 8am. So urusetia pun greetings dulu lah, tahniah and welcome to KKTM. FYI, tahun ni jumlah permohonan seluruh Malaysia 65 000, yang buat online test tu 16 000 dan terpilih untuk iv 1 800. Fuhhh ramai jugak kan. So tahniah dapat pergi ke MAC ni anda insan terpilih hihi. Next urusetia akan brief untuk susun docs and all. Documents ni perhatikan betul-betul tau dekat checklist docs tu. Ada berapa salinan, ada yang kena cetak dan lengkapkan. So yang lengkapkan tu isi semua awal-awal, tulis date siap-siap, nanti lepas daftar dapat nombor ID. Nombor ID pun tulis jugak kat semua borang. Sorry gambar borang takde amik gambar pulak.

Bleep test 9.00am - 10.00am 

Dah settle susun borang tu, next semua beg dan barang letak tepi. Calon-calon kena beratur panjang kat dewan ni, untuk bleep test. Jarak bleep test 20 meter, jadi calon kena lari ulang-alik. Haritu paling tinggi sampai level 6 je sebab ramai so taknak drag lama sangat masa. I got level 3.2 so kira okay dah tu untuk perempuan. Urusetia bagitahu bleep test takde lulus/gagal cuma dia ada markah rendah, baik, tinggi macam tu la. My preparation was memang training la hari-hari cuz badan tgh gemm skrg ni. First day training level 1 pun dah semput dah huhu. So okay la within a week dapat level 3 dah. So kalau you memang dah fit takyah risau la part ni hahaha. Oh pastu for pregnant women and yang baru lepas bersalin pun tak payah lari. So yang tak perlu lari ni masa pendaftaran boleh je terus berpakaian formal. Nanti masa bleep test duk tepi jadi cheers leaders je hehehe 

Bleep test 20m
 Microteaching (mt) 10.00am - 1.00pm 

Lepas dah habis bleep test tu boleh tukar baju formal terus. Masa diberikan 10 mins tapi rasanya I took more than that hahaha. Semua calon akan dibawa ke dewan seterusnya. Dia macam lecture hall. So kat sini jadi 'holding room'. Duduk lah tunggu giliran sementara no ID dipanggil sama ada pergi microteaching or interview dulu. Haaa kat sini lah yang akan make new friends jugak, yelah dah lelama boring juga menunggu so kita borak-borak haha. Sharing tips pun ye juga. Ada yang dah pergi dulu mt/iv so tanya dorang macam mana flow and all. My no ID 49 masa tu dapat mt pukul 12pm. 

Urusetia akan panggil in a group of 10, then naik ke tingkat atas untuk mt. So depan bilik mt tu tunggu lah lagi giliran. Sementara tunggu ni boleh prepare borang evaluation, lesson plans, slides yang dah print and BBM semua. Dalam bilik mt tu disediakan satu meja depan kita macam meja cikgu la kan. So boleh la nak letak nota or kertas sbg rujukan kita. Lagi satu, I set my own timer. Before masuk bilik mt siap2 set stopwatch kat hp. So masuk bilik mt untuk set up tu terus on phone, bila dah ready nak start terus tekan timer. Budak debate mesti boleh relate hahaha. Tujuan dia so kita tahu berapa minit dah kita bercakap, boleh la nak lajukan ke nak kena buat konklusi dah ke. Compare kalau orang yang kirakan masa untuk kita macam terkapai-kapai nanti. 

Alhamdulillah masa untuk my mt 10mins 38 saat gitu kot. Oh ye masa mt tu no interaction dengan panel langsung tau. So contoh kita ada bertanya soalan atau panggil student masa mt tu kena berlakon watak sbg student la pulak hahhaha dah nama pun mock teaching kan students pun khayalan je 😂 bila dah habis mt, panel minta my BBM nak tengok dekat-dekat. Then panel tanya boleh simpan tak HAHAHA mesti lah boleh! It's my pleasure. Lagi pun kalau bawak balik bukan guna lagi pun and besar benda nya leceh nak bawak balik hehe. Tu macam plus point for me la sebab panel suka my BBM hihi. Panel ada juga tanya soalan, 1. kenapa pilih nak jadi cikgu biologi? 2. Kenapa pilih jadi cikgu biologi MRSM? haaa terkejut juga sebab daripada yang sharing selalu panel tanya pasal topic kita present tu. So yeahh ready jela. 
Holding room or lebih tepat 'holding hall' hehehe

Interview (iv) 2.00 - 5.00pm

Lunch break 1-2pm. Then 2pm masuk dewan semua sambung la mana part yang belum settle. Masa menunggu sesi petang ni ya Allah rengsa nyaaa rasa, semua orang pun dah restless dah jadi. I pun dah start berdenyut kepala yela tidur pukul 3 pagi kan. Pastu start 3.30pm macam tu ada calon dah habis and dah boleh balik omgg jealous ya hahahahah I tak sabar nak habis nak tidur!! Ended up my turn panggil pukul 3.40pm macam tu untuk iv. So in a group of 5 kami dibawa ke bangunan depan untuk iv. Sampai situ, kena tunggu giliran dulu luar bilik iv tu. So sementara tunggu sempat la berbincang dengan group expected questions and answer semua hehehe. My group ada calon subject Biology and counselling. Best jugak sebab dapat bincang topic selain daripada bio haahhaha. 4pm baru masuk bilik iv and habis 4.57pm hahaha. Barai gakk aaa.

Few minutes before masuk bilik iv masa ni gigil dah hahahah

Soalan yang ditanya masa sesi my iv tu:
1. online learning vs physical learning? Or hybrid learning?
2. selain academic, apa pencapaian tertinggi masa sekolah/uni?
3. isu tentang pendidikan, huraikan. Setuju / tak dengan isu tu?
4. pencapaian dalam 5 tahun akan datang?
5. kenapa nak jadi cikgu MRSM ?

Masa iv ni first 2 questions je in English lepastu panel dah borak in bm hahaha. I suka towards the end of discussion tu sebab my answer kena jadi rebuttal utk calon counselling 😂😂 sebab nya I mention pasal mental health. Isu pendidikan tu, my answer was "saya tak bersetuju rotan sebagai hukuman sebab boleh mentally traumatised and it will affect their adulthood later on". Then I suggest la pendekatan yang lebih sesuai kan. Dah sudahhhh panel suruh calon counselling validate kan hahahha. Sorry bro jadi double iv for you 😂

Group iv. Sporting dorang! Masa tggu turn tu sempat lagi bincang2 possible questions hehe

So masa kat KKTM ni settle 3 komponen jelah. Ujian kecergasan, microteaching and interview. Ujian psikometrik akan buat secara online dan selepas MAC calon Sabah Sarawak. Which for this year Sabah Sarawak around last week of July and first week of August. So nanti tengok la kalau rajin update utk ujian psikometrik tu I edit lagi haha. Harap nya my sharing ni membantu sedikit sebanyak kepada calon yang akan menghadapi MAC. If need further explaination boleh email me : 

My biggest supporters. My man and my boy <3 

Appreciation note to my husb: I couldn't do it without both of you <3 yang tolong drive jejauh, bayarkan mcm2 hehe, also terpaksa kena sidai sementara mommy tunggu iv tu. Sebab homestay kena checkout pukul 12pm sharp, minta late checkout pun tak bagi so melepak la merata-rata dua beranak ni. Bayang la panas kot time lepas lunch nak sampai ke petang 5pm tu. Sabar sangat mereka ni menunggu mommy yang juga menunggu turn halahhh thank you so much boys 💓

Lepak tepi Tasik Raban time tengahari rembang ya Allah real life merah-merah dah pipi

Update : 20/7/22

Ujian psikometrik diberi masa utk buat dari Selasa 19 Julai - Jumaat 22 Julai , 12pm. Ada 10 bahagian dan 125 soalan. Bila dah jawab 1 bahagian tu tak boleh pergi backward nak check jawapan ke apa. Sebab dia boleh tekan next je. Kalau online test kan kita bleh ke belakang semula nak check jawapan tapi psikometrik ni tak boleh. So boleh tukar jawapan tu selagi tak tekan next utk pergi bahagian seterusnya. Basically soalan tanya tentang personaliti je. Cth soalan lebih kurang :
-pesanan ibu bapa membantu saya semasa membuat keputusan
-saya berasa selesa semasa majlis keramaian di kejiranan
-saya akan mengemas meja sebelum memulakan tugasan yang baru
-saya terasa terikat apabila telah membuat janji temu yang telah ditetapkan hari dan masanya

Pilihan jawapan kena pilih antara:
-sangat tidak tepat
-tidak tepat
-agak tepat
-sangat tepat

Haaaa ingatkan susah soalan psikometrik dia sebab before ni jumpa yg orang lain sharing lagi complicated hahaha. Tapi tula sebenarnya ada lah perkara yang dinilai berdasarkan soalan tu mcm sikap berdisiplin, keyakinan diri, teratur etc. So masa jawab tu I sentiasa relate kan dengan jawatan yang kita apply tu sebab if jawapan tak konsisten nanti ada chance utk tak pass the test juga. Sebagai persediaan boleh Google je ujian psikometrik sebab skrg ni siap ada org yang buat quiz online n ada jugak yang jual rujukan psikometrik softcopy. Okay so I think this is all for my sharing regarding program MAC ni. Doakan Ummi Aqilah berjaya insyaAllah!! 

Thank you for reading! Untill next time (which taktau la bila tahun pulak nak blogging lagi hahaha bye!)

Thursday 23 June 2022

23 years old

13th June 2017, Tuesday:

Uh oh hello there, Assalamualaikum! How are you? How's life?

Heyhooo! I would love to update about my life. It has been one year of roller coaster ride, I tell you! So, how do I start? Let's go backwards a little bit, shall we?

Around June 2016, I just finished with my final exams for my final semester. And I have started my internship in Kajang at a private laboratory. And here is when the first rock hit my life. When the exam result came out, I failed a paper! Yes, just because I failed this one paper, I did not graduate on time. This was when I felt that my life seems so blurry, my future seems so black and dark. It was hard, really. I kept it secret from my parents, and even from him. Uh oh, let's name him as H. Hihi I will get to that later! Back to the story, oh and yes, so after about a month or so after the result came out, is the day that I told my parents about it. When everybody were busy preparing for their graduations, were busy photo-shooting so called pre-convocation, and here I was, laying down in my bed. Doing nothing. I was helpless. I was depressed. When I came back from work, I will just drown myself in the bed. Go to sleep right away and I did care nothing about this world. This was the lowest point of my life. Even H was surprised that when we go out, I will be very quiet, I like to stare at blank things and I didn't talk much, like how I use to do. The day that I told him was when he asked me this one day, "When are you going to take your robe?". And this is when I just knew it, I has to tell him the truth. I told him, "I will not graduate this year, H." Okay, so I just revealed this to important persons in my life, but still I have friends to tell them about the real situations. I took all the courage I had to tell them. Oh yes, it ain't easy man, when everybody was counting on you and you just disappointed them. Thank God, after telling everybody that matters to me, I am now at peace. I was trying to live in peace, at least? LOL

September 2016;

2nd September is the day I finished my internship. Freedom alert! I am beyond happy to be 'free' from that laboratory. Hahaha and I was just enjoying my holidays, chilling at home. Ahh what a life. Then my mom just get annoyed to see me lazying around the house. So she got me a part-time job. It was a volunteer job, looking after a carnival something like that. Just two days. The next day, my school friend contacted me, to follow her to a job vacancy-- as a kindie teacher. Taking this job is a life changer for me, I tell you. I started my service as the kindergarten teacher on 15th November. But officially teaching the kids when the school term has started on 3rd January 2017.


Hello, new year! January 2017 is the month to be remembered. In fact, age 23 is the turning point in my life. The teaching job was tough at first. I had no experience in teaching kindergarten thus it was a rough start for me. My boss push me hard, I thanked her for that. Slowly I am improving myself, to be a better teacher as well as a better person. It was not that hard actually, you just need to know the needs of the person and their red button. I just recall this when I went to a workshop back in my uni days -- it's communication skills. And also plus point for me, because I am an extreme extrovert. So yes, I talk a lot like non stop! The only time I stop talking is when I sleep. Duhh literally HAHA.

Here come the second storm; it was Monday and it was I went for my regular dentist appointment (dental braces). Then I had this itchiness on my foot sole, so I decided to seek Dr after I finished with my dentist. When I was being checked by the doctor, she said she suspected me to have hyperthyroid. I was like, whatttt? What the? Then I had my heart checked as well. I need to lay down and has all those wires attached to my body; my chest, my hands and where else was it, sorry I forgot already. But the thing is, there is something wrong with my heartbeat! It beats faster than it should be. And Dr asked me to do blood test right away. So without hesitation and wasting of time, the next day I went to my intern place to get my blood withdrawn. How irony, I used to be the one who hands on the blood test tube and analyzed the blood, but that day I was the patient and not the lab scientist. The result came out the following day. And yes man, I had hyperthyroidism! My world feel like spinning around and I just cried myself to this news. I thought I was healthy all this while? Allah. So I went back to the clinic and get my medications. I had to consume two type of pills; one to stabilize my heart rate and another one is to get my thyroid hormone to stabilized back to normal range. Yes, I am medical compliance everyday now.

In total, I have to consume 7 pills a day. As I was adapting myself with the situation, my grandma get sick and her condition was very unstable. This one night, I was staying up to finish my lesson plan and teaching works kind of stuff, my grandma had difficulty to breathe. It was around 4 am by that time. Mom quickly called an ambulance, and so we rushed to the hospital. I was with her, my first ever ambulance ride. When we arrived at the emergency unit lobby, the doctors couldn't read her oxygen level. It fluctuated. Then she was quarantined in the emergency unit, there I go settle her registration and everything. I swear to God, I had a feeling that she'll be gone by anytime soon. And that was what happened. My dearest grandmother passed away by my side. I was there, reciting her the 'shahadah'. She went very peacefully that I didn't realize when was her last breathe. Just that I noticed her tears stops flowing out from the corner of her eyes and that was actually the moment she breathe out her last breath. It was a very emotional phase of my life. I am very close with my grandmother, as she lived with my family for the past 6 years of her golden days. To add salt to the wound, my health was not in a good shape too. I need to went through TB screening because I had cough for almost a month now. I had to gave the sample of my sputum, withdraw my blood to be analyzed and had my chest to be X-rayed. The procedure took me 2 weeks, and being emotionally unstable at that moment, I ask for unpaid leaves for 2 weeks from my employer. During the 2 weeks leaves, I accompanied my mom at home. It was a dull week for all of us at home. It feel surreal. The house is very quiet and gloomy with less one person in the house. Despite being sad, we stay strong and keep each other's company to go through the phase.

Sunday 8 May 2016

Unseen Battle

I knew this day would come. Where everything came crashes at a time. Literally, everything.

I would say that emotional battle is much harder than physical battle. As you are dealing with the unseen, but you only sense. This is where you are really being tested.

Oh well, as a Muslim we must believe that every battle that was given to us, is eventually to lift us up to a higher level (for a better us).

Just that right now, I am lost. I am in a deep lost.

I am reconsidering about extending my semester, by means is I am going to graduate one year later (than I was expected to). May Allah show me the right path, Insya Allah.

p/s: It is not a race anyway, right?

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Fight Song

I need something to keep me sane.

I need something to boost me.

I need something to keep me strong.

This song is just really it. Fight song by Rachel Platten.

It is only the 5th week of the semester, but yet there already a lot of things happened. Literally. In this very short amount of time, I am quite impressed with myself actually. Currently, at least I have a rough idea on how my final year project will be, rather then when I received the tittle for my final year project during the first week, more or less a month earlier. I don't even have a clue back then! All I could do at that time, just nodded my head when my supervisor explained about the project with a blur face and a totally lost mind. How funny! In addition, I have done at least three presentations within the first two weeks! I know, I know, it is super early right. But on the bright side, it is actually helping. You know, to shake off the nervousness and make yourself get used to  it. Thank you lecturers. :)

So what I have been up to recently huh? Let's back up few weeks earlier shall we?

During the first week of semester, I was welcoming the freshie at my faculty. It really reminds me of how innocent I was when I was in their shoes, approximately two years before. And feel a little bit old now ay >.< I am currently in the student society of my faculty. Hence the programs I involved in.

Then during the second week, I made friend with a girl from Japan, Chika. Thanks Ardani for inviting me to have lunch with you guys. Hihi. I have found something new about myself. I found that welcoming new people to your place is actually fun, let aside the tiredness, but somehow I found that every small things actually counts. Maybe for us it is not really matter because we are familiar with it, but for them it is a whole new thing. This just make my sense of appreciation of everything around me grow bigger. :) For instant, for us in Malaysia eating with bare hands is no big deal. But for people from other country, with different culture of course, they find it is something completely different from what they've been practicing. Uh oh this is actually from my Global Mobility Student Partnership Program! Never mind, I'll go to that story later ;)

Next, we go back to my studies matter hehe. I went to the UKM's Animal House, oh well of course to met with the mice that will be used in my experiment later on! And I have just discovered that I will be handling not ten, not twenty, not even thirty, but one hundred twenty mice! Yes, 1 2 0 . Omg. I'm freaking out. But then we have to do injection for 42 mices per day, but hey that is still a big amount of mice right? From my previous experience, the most that I hold mice at a moment was two. Pray for me that it'll be smooth sailing experiment. Haha is there even a phrase for that?

Another side of the story, I'm in charge of food and beverages during the organization workshop. I never thought it made you happy to see people eat what you served them. :') It was worth it. Despite the chaotic, disorganized and complete confusion like few minutes before the VIP finish their slot, I manage to set up the food on the table, of course with help from some of friend of mine. Even though it is not really that 'wow', but I just did ;') I literally running here and there in the dining hall hahaha. Oh and one of the slot of this program is the bonding time--which I like the most! We went to this one place to play some games--Burn Out. It is sort of like the escape room, where you are being tested to the fullest limit of yourself to get outta there within the time given. It was kind of stressful, almost giving up, feeling dumb because the hints were right there just that we don't notice it, and most of all it really does need a great teamwork from everybody in the room to escape it. All in all, I look forward to play this kind of game soon! Tihee

So, that pretty much how my life s far being for a month and half. Oh God, the time is running out for me to be a university student. What the heck, we can't stop the clock from ticking. Let just enjoy the moment while it lasts. And for whoever reading this, do pray for Ummi Aqilah Omiza that her final year project will be eased or she'll be stronger to face all the challenges. InsyaAllah. (With Allah's willing.)

You can't soar high if you let yourself tied to the ground with rope called fear.
Not to try is the biggest failure!

Thank you for reading! Take care, Allah loves you! :)